Your friend, Astor Piazzolla.
About me
When I was a child, I listened to my mother playing tangos on our piano, beautifully performed. In secondary school, I played accordion in a little band with other pupils playing popular songs. When I finished school I played accordion for 2 or 3 years in the quintet of Italian singer Giuliano Verna.
Our repertoire included renowned Italian songs and some songs that I already had composed. With the earnings from our performances, I paid for flight hours to become a Private Pilot and after several years at the Aeronautics National School I became a Commercial Pilot……
By clicking on each year the content will be displayed

His first LP “Fuera de serie” was released by RCA Victor. It contained modern tangos composed and arranged by Cosentino, and was performed by his “Grupo Vanguardia”, formed by outstanding musicians such us Fernando Suarez Paz in violin, Daniel Binelli in bandonion, Ricardo Lew in electric guitar, Adalberto Cevasco in electric bass and Enrique “Zurdo” Roizner in drums.

His third LP “Los cielos más altos” was released by Polygram, reflecting once again the contemporary tango style of his compositions, and recorded with the same excellent musicians.
Also in this year, the label Melopea re-released his second LP, this time with the title “Fuerte y claro”.
In December of this year he retired as Captain of Aerolineas Argentinas (Argentinas Airlines), after having flown professionally for 30 years.

New CD “Convicciones” (Convictions) released by the label El Arca de Noe. This reissue contains 13 instrumental tracks of his previous LP. The album cover is a painting from the painter Perez Celis. This CD was awarded the prize by the This cd was awarded by Tribuna de Música Argentina presiding Ms. Alicia Terzian , organized by the Argentine Music Council of UNESCO.

In this year, his Concerto for Guitar and Symphonic Orchestra “Argentina” composed in collaboration with guitar player Mario Andreola, is chosen to open the Poland Guitar Festival, performed by most excellent guitar player Roberto Aussel.
Appears the CD "El nuevo tango" (The new tango) released by the label M&M, and also released in USA by the label Romeo Records from New York.
También en este año edita el CD "El nuevo tango" en el sello M&M, con 15 temas suyos instrumentales. Again the cd cover is a beautiful painting of Perez Celis.

Obtains the Second Prize in the Festival of Songs of Villa Gesell, with his song "¿Quién iba a decir?", with letter of Ernesto Pierro.
Is released the CD “Saúl Cosentino, la música” (Saúl Cosentino, the music) , containing 15 new works, with lyrics by Horacio Ferrer, Eladia Blázquez, Virgilio Expósito, Chico Novarro, Litto Nebbia, among others distinguished lyricists. This CD has been released also in Mexico, by the label Ediciones Pentagrama. Again with a painting of Perez Celis on it's cover.

In this year is released the CD “Yo soy el negro”, of the renown singer Raúl Lavié who sings here 14 songs. Eleven of them were composed by Saúl, some of them in collaboration with excellent pianist, composer and arranger Juan Carlos Zunini. Besides, all the arrangements are by Cosentino and Zunini.

In this year also is released the CD “Tangos a 4 manos”, where Cosentino and Zunini play 11 tangos on the piano
with 4 hands. Besides they play 10 themes as solists.
And finally, in this same year appears the CD “Cancioncitas” (Little songs). It has 38 children songs, all of them composed and arranged by Cosentino. Lyrics by Mandy, Lidia Rosalía Bojanic de Jijena Sánchez and some of them by Cosentino himself.

The Concerto for Guitar and Symphony Orchestra entitled “Argentina”, which I composed in collaboration with guitarist Mario Andreola, opens in Buenos Aires. The soloist was Roberto Aussel with the National Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Luis Gorelik. The following week the concert was repeated in the city of Paraná, but this time the orchestra was the Entre Ríos Symphony.

Saul had for many years the idea of making a CD of violin and piano, as many of his works can be considered almost like chamber music. Finally his idea became a CD, which featured the collaboration of outstanding violinists and pianists. In addition of 13 songs of his own, it includes 3 songs from his composers friends.
He was invited to Rome to pay tribute to Astor Piazzolla for the 20th anniversary of his death. He and his wife, stayed at the Argentine Embassy in Rome. Music by Alberto Ginastera, Carlos Guastavino, Astor Piazzolla and himself was played at the concerts.
From Rome they went to Florence to meet Donatella Alamprese, who already sang some of his songs and from Florence they went to Trieste to visit the excellent Argentinian musician and composer Fabián Pérez Tedesco, who already in 2000 had included his song A tango for Gary on his CD Marimba Crossing.

I published the CD “Todos temas nuevos” with 17 tangos sung by Carlos Rossi, Gabriel Mores and Virginia Verónica, who were accompanied on piano by the excellent pianists Juan Carlos Zunini, Juan Alberto Pugliano and Oscar De Elía.
And there is a tango accompanied by the outstanding bandoneonist Walter Ríos.

I am invited to Sardinia-Italy to be a jury in a contest of instrumentalists who played several of my works.
From Sardinia we went to Genève to visit my friend and excellent violinist Roberto Sawicki, coductor of the Orchester-Lancy. We also visited Catherine Chenu and Sylvie Koumrouyan, who had played my 4 hand piano tangos at the Fête de la Musique.
And from Genève we continued to Berlin, to meet the pianist Zsuzsa Balint, who had already published videos with my tangos. Zsuzsa together with Cristian Niculescu organized a private concert where they introduced me and played my tangos for piano 4 hands. At that time I was 79 years old and they decided to organize a concert in a major theater in Berlin to celebrate my 80th birthday the following year.
The CD “Al Rojo Vivo” appears, on cello and piano, being the cellist at that time the first cello of the National Symphony Orchestra Jorge Pérez Tedesco, and the pianist Beatriz Pedrini.
This CD has a couple of songs where I accompanied the cello on piano, and a song played as a guest by the pianist of the Vancouver-Canada Symphony Orchestra Linda Lee Thomas.

In June the concert for my 80 years is held in the beautiful Berliner Philharmonie Theater, in Berlin. They played my songs for solo piano, for piano 4 hands, for piano and violin, for piano, violin and cello. I also played with the bandoneonist Lothar Hensel's quartet, then Zsuzsa played with the quartet and then Cristian did it. I closed the concert playing my dear piece “Poema”. The concert was a success and people stood applauding.
From Berlin we went to Malmö – Sweden to meet the pianist Kjell Edstrand who already played some of my songs.
And to end the trip we went to Santander – Spain to meet Javier Laboreo and Rosa Goitia who already played my tangos for piano 4 hands. They also organized a concert where they played a few of my works and I told some things about each piece they performed.

We traveled to Budapest – Hungary to meet the extraordinary violinist Katica Illenyi who already liked my music. Since my wife Susana is Hungarian, she was able to practice the language again with Katica.
We continued to Vienna to meet the cellist Tilly Cernitori, who had recently conducted a concert where they played my Atypical Suite. We took the opportunity to go to the cemetery to visit the tombs of Beethoven, Shubert, Johann Strauss father and son, and other famous musicians.

We presented 3 albums at the Hasta Trilce theater in Buenos Aires.
“Piano Pieces” where Diana Lopszyc wonderfully performs 36 piano pieces of mine.
“Jazz”, where Manuel Fraga magnificently performs 12 of my songs composed, most of them, many years ago. This pieces were being relegated and finally saw the light on this album.
“Tangos de y por Saúl Cosentino”, where I perform many of my instrumental tangos and also tangos with lyrics, but here played only on piano.

We traveled to Saint Petersburg-Russia to meet Tatiana Pichkaeva, a pianist who had already recorded a video with my works. She organized a private concert to present my music, and there we found out that she had already recorded two CDs titled both "Music by Astor Piazzolla and Saúl Cosentino". Currently Tatiana has already recorded more than 60 videos with my music.
From Saint Petersburg we went to Brussels-Belgium to meet the Italian pianist Alessandra Tiraterra. Then we went to Ghent, another very beautiful and original Belgian city, where Alessandra gave a lecture-recital about my life and my work).
This same year I published my CD “Tangos y melodías de y por Saúl Cosentino”. I recorded both this album and the previous one at the request of my wife, who had been asking me for several years to leave a testimony not only as a composer but also as a pianist.
This year Katica comes to visit me and get to know Buenos Aires.

My latest album “De todo un poco” appears. I gave it that title because there are tangos, candombes, bossa nova and songs, and because there are several songs in Spanish, but also in English, French, Portuguese and Italian.

We couldn't travel because of the Covid 19, but we took the opportunity to record an album with Katica Illenyi with many of my works in violin and piano versions, chosen by her. Katica recorded the violins in Budapest and Daniel Goldstein, Diana Lopszyc and I recorded the pianos here in Buenos Aires, at the El sonido y el Tiempo Foundation. The coach here was Miguel Zagorodny, and in Budapest it was Csaba Illenyi, a brother of Katica. We are in March 2022 and we are already very close to the end of the album.
In 2020 Tatiana and her husband come to visit Buenos Aires an other cities in Argentina.
- Roberto Hernández Soto Marimba and Percussion, Tradicional and Contemporary Music - México
Un gusto que me hayas mandado tan hermosa música, me gustó mucho la de Poema.... por seguro que la tocaré y te enviaré una versión para que la escuches.
- Barbara Zalaznik Violinista en Slovenska Filharmonija | Liubliana, Eslovenia
Dear Saul! Thank you for your compositions! I like them very much! It is a very beautiful music. I love to perform all your are a great composer. Kind regards.
- Eldad Tarmu Vibrafonista | Estados Unidos
Bravo Saul! I enjoyed your music greatly.
- Kira Kraftzoff Leader of Rastrelli Cello Quartet and Russian Quattro
Dear Saul! Your music is honest and absolutely beautiful! This is REAL music. We have played today on rehearsal, and I can tell you that this is the best song we ever received. And I receive every week at least one. This will be definitely part of our repertoire. The world premiere will take place on 26.03 in St.Petersburg in Mariinsky concert hall. Best regards.
- Irina Shishkina Pianista | Ciudad de México
Tocamos sus tangos por supuesto y su Valse de cristal que me enamoró, tanto como a Maya y a Polina. Hicimos una versión a 4 manos, gusta que le envíe la partitura? También con Maya hicimos una versión a dos pianos. La gente nuevamente se asombró de su música. Yo diría que fue éxito total de sus tangos en México, igual que en Milán.
- Remko de Landmeter Flautista | Roterdam, Holanda
Hi Saúl, thank you so much for your beautiful compositions! I would love to play them. I have been always a big fan of the music of Piazzolla and it’s so nice to hear another great composer like you…. Let’s keep in touch. All the best.
- Giuseppe Mazzamuto Percusionista de la Orquesta Sinfónica Siciliana, y vibrafonista de jazz | Italia
Grande Saul!! Musica stupenda, sei un grande compositore. In questi ultimi anni, dopo avere studiato con Gary Burton, mi sono dedicato molto più al Vibrafono pertanto ti volevo chiedere se è possibile avere la parte del concerto per vibrafono e orchestra d'archi, mi piacerebbe vedere la parte di vibrafono se è possibile. Grazie.
- Jacques Riou Flautista en Conservatoire de Gennevilliers | París, Francia
First of all, your music is very beautiful! We did a concert last evening, at the conservatorium where I teach, in Gennevilliers, close to Paris.... but they loved it and I know it was good for them because your music is full of... music! The piano player was a Corean student (Ji-Hui) who asked me to play it because she loves it too! All the best!
- Karen Street Acordeonista | Reino Unido
This is fantastic, I can’t wait to play them. You are so talented. I can’t thank you enough.
- Fiona Foo Percusionista | Leuven, Bélgica
Dear Saúl, Waw, thank you very much for your music! They are really really nice, I love all your pieces!!!!!! Big hugs
- Paola Fasola Pianista, profesora en el Conservatorio de Udine | Italia
Your music and your art resound with my heart, thank you ... Hugs!
- Kjell Edstrand Pianista, arreglador, director y compositor | Malmö, Suecia
Whenever I hear music that makes me smile, laugh, cry, think or dream I thank life. I felt as if I knew you before I met you, having heard your music. "Ideas y emociones" is one of my favorites all time. Scriabin, Bach, Chopin, Grieg and Tchaikovsky. And your music. From the heart. Thank you for your importance not only as a musician but as a human person.
- Adrian Kreda Pianista suizo-argentino
Estimados Saúl y Gerardo, Espero que se encuentren bien. He escuchado con mucho placer las grabaciones mp3 de las piezas de Saúl y me gustan muchísimo. Tienen fineza y al mismo tiempo un ritmo desbordante e implacable. Algunas obras tienen un lenguaje pre-impresionista como « Al rojo vivo ». Esta semana me voy a Polonia, en donde toco el próximo domingo un programa de música polaca entre otras cosas la sonata para violín y piano de J. Elsner (el maestro de Chopin).Un gran abrazo.
- Katica Illényi Violinista, cantante y thereminista húngara
Thank you so much for your nice message! I checked out your website and listened to your music today and I am amazed! I like each and every composition of yours. Since I am a singer too I also listened to your songs and I fell in love with the song "Sin tu mitad". I decided to sing it as soon as I will have the opportunity. Unfortunately, I don't speak Spanish but as I am listening to these beautiful songs it is just a matter of time and I will learn the language too. Your music is a huge inspiration for me. I love tangos and I am very interested in learning and playing your passionate compositions.